Another word for running away from home
Another word for running away from home

we all were still close but they weren't as close but on holidays we would see my boyfriend at the time. ever since L wasn't as close with him for hurting me and they had a falling out. this whole time i confided in L and everytime I was hurt he was their because he and I went to the same school. he cheated on me and were on and off but i eventually forgave him. we did long distance in university since i was in Boston and he was in new york and made it work. I met him through mutual friends and later on him and lets called the third on L we were all friends since the 8th grade, I knew L longer and he introduced my ex fiance to me. we have been together since the 10thgrade and were high school sweethearts. This was a couple years ago and I still feel like asshole and ik I am but just wanted ur opinions.

Another word for running away from home